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We are stimulating people’s curiosity and instincts. We do this by giving people new experiences using digital contents. We took the contents to culture complex. In addition, we announced our activities online.


We create contents which stimulating people’s curiosity and instincts. We suggest various contents such as workshop, interactive digital contents.

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We can create a words tree in “sharesthesia”. Feelings are as many opinions as there are people. Let’s feel your personality.

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we can touch each other naturally in “Pwatto”. The moment when the touch each other, What will you feel?

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You can see your aura in O-ra. Let’s feel your personality which you could not see at usually.

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You can catch stars and you can make constellations. Let’s make constellation which only yours.

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Hekime Kyorota

I feel someone looking at me. Let’s find exciting things which hidden in the everyday life.

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This box seems empty box. But, it actually has something. Let’s feel surprise and pleasure which discover something.

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Other contents

We introduce "Join Beat" "Crush Water" "Zootamp" "Wonder DooR" as other contents.


There are ten people in our project. We are so cheerful and unique. Sometimes become confused because of each of the claim. However, we create new experience together.


Not only we create new experience, but also we display contents at various place. We aim for create good contents based on feedback and improvement.

Art hall exhibition

I displayed "PIKAKI" which was "Sharesthesia" and contents in 2016 by an event called "Matsumae cherry tree Festival" held in Matsumae Castle. I was able to have children more than 100 enjoy it.

Kids festival exhibition

I displayed it by the event called "the room of the art" in "kids festival" held in Hakodate-shi art hall. I might say Golden Week and was able to have you enjoy it towards many parent and child.

A! Such a thing exhibition

3 years passed after a project started. I settled the result and displayed it to have you know the project learning for a new pupil and the third grader who worked on project learning from now on.

Hakodate, winter, art exhibition

I displayed "Hekimekyorota" and "Hakodama" for "a Hakodate, winter, art exhibition" held in Hakodate-shi art hall. I hold this display until March 4, 2018.

Result presentation of project learning

Because I was chosen as excellence project this year, I participated in a project learning result presentation held in "Akiba square" of Tokyo. States performed a poster session towards a company and were able to get much feedback.

Exhibitions in Future Center Hakodate

We exhibited “O-ra”, ”Powatto”, “Sharesthesia”, “Hekime Kyorota” to “Amusement park of magic”. “sharesthesia” will hold workshop in Saturday and Sunday. This exhibition will hold until February 25th.

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If there are an opinion and an impression, other questions, please contact me from an inquiry form of the lower part.